V.A.S.E Academy

V.A.S.E Academy

External Support

If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person telephone the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email - CASS@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk

Housing - www.birmingham.gov.uk/housing

Citizens Advice Birmingham - 0344 477 1010 - bcabs.org.uk/

Health and Wellbeing Services - the-waitingroom.org/

Health advice – 111 - 111.nhs.uk/covid-19

Police non-emergency number - 101 - www.police.uk/contact/101

Victim support – 0808 1689 111 - www.victimsupport.org.uk

Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111 - 100% anonymous - crimestoppers-uk.org

Carers UK - Guidance for carers: www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/health/looking-after-your-health/coronavirus-covid-19

Public Health England have produced an easy read version of their Advice on the coronavirus for places of education. You can download it here



The school health texting service can provide confidential support for students aged 11 years upwards around relationships, mental health, alcohol, bullying, self-harm, smoking, drugs and healthy eating. During COVID 19 parents are also able to text this number to seek support. The telephone lines will be staffed Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm and staff will be able to support or advise as required.


The virtual school nurse drop-in is on offer to all secondary school age children. Every Tuesday and Thursday 4.30-5.30pm (all year round). This can be accessed via the link nhs.vc/BCHC/C-F/Schl-Nurse/Drop-In.  

Keeping children safe from abuse and harm - for parents and carers

The Government have released a support document for parents titled 'Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm.' In the document the Government have explained how parents and carers can reduce the risks of harm to their children. The document is broken down into the following headings: Protect children from domestic abuse, Child sexual abuse and exploitation, Crime, Criminal Exploitation and County Lines, violence and gangs, Protect children from radicalisation, Online child safety and Mental health.


Food Banks






St Michael's foodbank referral form


Family Action has launched Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs to provide good-quality food at a low cost, while also reducing food waste. It costs just £1 a year for a family to become a member. Once you’ve joined, you can purchase a bag of tasty food items every week worth approx. £10-£15 for just £3.50! To become a member you must live or work within 15 minutes of a club. https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/food-club/

Employment, Benefits and General Advice

ACAS Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for employers and employees - www.acas.org.uk/coronavirus

Advice on how to claim support for the self-employed - www.gov.uk/guidance/claim-a-grant-through-the-coronavirus-covid-19-self-employment-income-support-scheme

Universal Credit helpline Telephone: 0800 328 5644 - Applying for universal credit - www.gov.uk/apply-universal-credit

Free benefits calculator to see the benefits you might be eligible for - www.entitledto.co.uk/benefits-calculator/Intro/Home?cid=4a20d11c-c200-45ba-9c10-3af39feff12f

Guidance for employees’ rights around needing time off work due to COVID-19 - www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/guidance-for-employers-and-businesses-on-coronavirus-covid-19#what-to-do-if-an-employee-needs-time-off-work-to-look-after-someone

Job Retention Scheme - www.gov.uk/guidance/check-if-you-could-be-covered-by-the-coronavirus-job-retention-scheme

A range of advice around housing, rent arrears, income and benefits, mortgage advice and tenancy england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/coronavirus

Universal Credit Help and General support and advice - www.citizensadvice.org.uk/helptoclaim

Check to see if you are entitled to statutory sick pay - www.gov.uk/statutory-sick-pay

Check to see if you can get employment support - www.gov.uk/employment-support-allowance